Crocus mysius

Crocus mysius

Corm subglobose, 1-1,5 cm in diameter. Tunics coriaceous,  inner softer, splits into broad segments which are irregularly subdivided at the lower end into very small and short bands; rings if present few, near the base with entire edges, the upper ones with many fine teeth of different height, the longest about 1,5 mm. Cataphylls 2-4 silvery white. Leaves 3-3,7-5 , 1-1,5 mm wide, almost linear, getting slightly broader towards base, dark green, glabrous, white stripe smaller than 1/3 of leafdiameter, 2-3 ribs in the grooves of underside. Throat yellow to deep orange, sometimes with a deeper violet one, no hair. Perianth tube mostly light to deep violet, whitish towards base. Inside all segments are plain white to faintly lilac. Outer segments between 20 and 32 mm but usually 26 mm long, between 6 and 13 mm but usually 9,3 mm wide , either plain white, lilac or violet or with faint markings or speckles, no featherings or stripes, towards perianth tube brownish, but no spots. Inner segments between 19 and 32 mm but usually 25 mm long, between 6 and 14 mm but usually 9,8 mm wide , plain white or slightly lilac, towards the perianth tube brownish. Prophyll absent. Bract and bracteole present, silvery-white, skinny. Filaments conspicuously long , deep yellow to orange. Anthers 6-7,8-11 mm long, rather short, broadly arrow-shaped with flabby lower ends, deep blue, blackish-violet, or deep brown. Connective blue, violet, black, or greyish-green, towards the base becoming whitish. Style divided into three branches 3-5,7-10 mm long , not markedly widened of fringed at the apex, deep yellow or orange. Style length according to stamen 91% shorter to equal, and 9% longer of the investigated specimens. Capsule and seeds not seen. Chromosome number .

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