Centaurea bruguieriana


Centaurea bruguieriana


Akça kavgalaz
Ssp bruguieriana
Annual, c. 10-50 cm, mostly profusely branched from base, stem and branches ivory-white, hirsute with septate hairs. Leaves sparsely hirsute, white-ciliate at margins; lower lyrate-pinnatilobate, median linear-oblong, sessile and amplexicaul, upper shorter, oblong-cordate. Involucre c. 10 mm long. Outer phyllaries with large foliaceous appendages resembling uppermost leaves, ciliate at margins , median with simple white 15-20 mm spine. Flowers pale purplish. Achenes c. 2 mm; pappus 2,5-3 mm. Alt. C. 300 m.
Syrian desert, N. Iraq, W. Iran. Ir.Tur. element