Cirsium obvallatum

Cirsium obvallatum

 Dağ kangalı

Perennial, 25-70 cm. Stems unwinged, shortly corymbose and few-capitulate above. Median cauline leaves oblong-pinnatifid, lobes shortly divided into several triangular shortly spined lobules , subglabrous, pale bright green , base amplexicaul and spinose-lobulate. Capitula 2-6 per stem, overtopped by many involucrate leaves which are linear-lanceolate and deeply dissected into many very unequal slender whitish simple or pinnatisect spines. Involucres hemispherical, 17-20 mm, glabrous, phyllaries 6-7-seriate, median oblong-lanceolate, with a darkened linear 4-6 mm vitta, acuminate intoa short spinule. Corollas 16-18 mm, greenish-white; anther tube mauve. Achenes c. 4 mm. Pappus c. 14 mm. Fl. 8. Ravines, rocky igneous slopes near streams, 2050-2800 m.
Caucasia, N. & N.W. Iran. Hyrcano-Euxine element.