Ophrys transhyrcana


Ophrys transhyrcana


Ssp mouterdeana: Hazar salebi; Ssp paphlagonica: Uslu salep
Plants 15-60 cm, with 3-6 oblong-lanceolate basalleaves. Spike lax, 2-9-flowered. Flowers large, horizontally spreading. Sepals dull olive-green, ± tinged purple, to 16 mm; dorsal oblong-lanceolate, margins ± revolute, erect or slightly spreading; laterals ovate-lanceolate, spreading. Petals dull green, ± tinged purple, lanceolate, to 10 mm, minutely hairy above, rarely subglabrous. Labellum entire, sometimes with small lateral incisions or ± 3-lobed , ± strongly arched, to 16 mm, without bosses, sometimes with indistinct swellings near base, mucronate at apex, dark purplish-brown to blackish-purple velvety; speculum H-shaped, with or without cross-line, dull bluish-violet, ± whitish-bordered. Column with subulate 2-3.5mm straight or slightly upwards-curved connective. Stigmatic cavity low.
1. Sepals dull olive-green, lower halves of lateral sepals often darker, flushed with purple; labellum purplish-brown, entire or with small lateral incisions subsp. transhyrcana
1. Sepals whitish, ± tinged with pale green or purple or entirely dark rosepurple; labellum blackish-purple, entire or ± 3-lobed, lateral lobes occasionally somewhat spreading and middle lobe with margins bent backwards subsp. amanensis