Glaucium corniculatum


Glaucium corniculatum


Annual or biennial. Stems ascending-erect, up to 40 cm. Leaves villous, pinnatifid, the segments narrowly oblong, dentate. Flowers 2,5-5 cm in diameter. Sepals 1-2,5 cm, scabrous-hirsute. Petals 1,5-2,5 cm, yellow, orange or red. Siliquae pilose, 10-20 cm, borne on peduncles which are shorter than the leaves which subtend them. 2 subspecies may be recognised:
1. Fruiting peduncles erect; fruits more or less straight, not contorted subsp. corniculatum
1. Fruiting peduncles refracted; fruits arcuate, often contorted subsp. refractum