Alyssum propinguum

Alyssum propinguum

Tıfıl kuduzotu

Cushion-forming perennials, stems 2-4 cm, often with slender, indurated caudices. Leaves linear-lanceolate or narrowly oblanceolate, acute, not more than 6 mm. Petals pale, obovate, entire or subemarginate, up to 8 x 1-2 mm, the limb with indumentum of sparse lepidote hairs and gradually attenuate into the claws. Fruits orbicular, obovate or broadly elliptic, emarginate, with a dense indumentum of lepidote, strongly punctate, deciduous hairs; valves ± equally inflated. Styles slender, 4-4,5 mm, with an indumentum of deciduous, lepidote hairs. Fl. 6-7 Screes and rocks, 2000-3450 m.
