Achillea latiloba

Achillea latiloba


Height 25-50-cm. Sterns terete, longitudinally striped, densely or loosely pubescent. Leaves with ± loose indumentum of spreading hairs, basal numerous, Iinear-lanceolate, 8-20 x 1,5-2 cm , pinnatisect, with 20 and more pairs of dentate or incised segments, cauline smaller, less divided. Capitula 20-c. 80, corymbs 2-8 cm broad, peduncles 4-12 mm. Involucre broadly ovoid, 4,5-5,5 x 3-4 mm. Phyllaries oblong-Ianceolate, ± obtuse, with spreading hairs, green midrib and brownish scarious 0,2-0,3 mm margins. Ligules 4-6, white, 2-3 mm; disc flowers 15-20. Fl. 6-8. Subalpine and alpine meadows, granite rocks, 1300-3100 m.
W. Transcaucasia. Euxine element.